On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 08:04:51AM -0800, Sidney Markowitz wrote:
| > The trick is to make the script put the data we want it to
| > in the body of the message :-).
| Exactly -- I doubt it is possible.

If the spammer can send me the spam, why can't I send the listme

| If you really want to see what you are dealing with, download the
| formmail.cgi script itself that the site is using from
| http://www.agn-e.com/formmail.zip

They actually made it available there?  Wow.

| All you have to do to use the script is paste a URL in a browser,
| such as in the example at
| http://www.securitytracker.com/alerts/2001/Mar/1001108.html

I saw this (or something that looked just like it) but missed the URL

| of course substituting
| http://www.agn-e.com/cgi-bin/formmail.cgi?
| in the appropriate place in the examples and filling in other fields
| that are not in the example by seeing what their names are in the
| source of the script.
| A simple wget should do it as well as pasting it in a browser.

Alright, I managed to make it send me a message.  It didn't have any
structure yet.  A little more experimenting and it should be good to
go.  (with testing on other formmail installs too)



Misfortune pursues the sinner,
but prosperity is the reward for the righteous.
        Proverbs 13:21

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