I'm using the standard IMAP server that comes with Red Hat LInux 7.1.

I thought procmail was a mail delivery program???

BTW. I have a .procmailrc in my user's home dir that filters mail to subfolders 
and works no problem -- only when I have that global procmailrc file activated 
does mail fail to be delivered.

Craig Hughes wrote:
> I'm guessing you need to use some kind of deliver program to get the
> mail to the right place -- what IMAP server is that?  It seems to not be
> expecting the user's mail spool to change without knowing about it,
> which seems like a weird thing to do in a mail server, but as I said, it
> probably wants you to deliver through some program, instead of just
> cat'ing to the mail spool.
> C
> On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 20:21, Jeffrey J. Bacon wrote:
>>oh yeah, and this in my main log when the mailbox is accessed:
>>Mar 28 22:58:55 bacon imapd[8163]: Fatal mailbox error user={user_name} 
>>host={a_host} [{an_ip}] mbx=/var/spool/mail/{user_name}: Unexpected changes to 
>>mailbox (try restarting): Return-Path: <MAILER
>>Jeffrey J. Bacon wrote:
>>>I have:
>>>LOGFILE=/var/log/procmail/procmaillog.`date +%m-%d-%y`
>>>| spamc -u $LOGNAME
>>>in my /etc/procmailrc file and then this in my main procmail log:
>>>procmail: Executing "spamc,-u,{user_name}"
>>>procmail: [8286] Thu Mar 28 22:58:05 2002
>>>procmail: Assigning 
>>> Subject: *****SPAM***** Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!
>>>  Folder: 
>>>/var/spool/mail/{user_name}                                      28719
>>>however, the mail is not actually delivered to {user_name}.
>>>Olivier Nicole wrote:
>>>>For all debugging purposes, I suggest one runs spamd without the -d,
>>>>and maybe with -D to see debug information onf screen.
>>>>The running as root message is just a warning, not an error, and
>>>>should not prevent spamc/d to tag the message (it can prevent it to
>>>>create user preferences, for that purooise I use -u $LOGNAME on the
>>>>spamc line).
>>>>Here is my /etc/procmailrc (site wide):
>>>>                   :0fwE
>>>>                               | /usr/local/bin/spamc -u $LOGNAME
>>>>                               :0e
>>>>                               {
>>>>                                   EXITCODE=$?
>>>>                               }
>>>>                               DATE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
>>>>                               PID=`echo $$`
>>>>                               SPAMFILE=$DEFAULT-spam.$DATE.$PID
>>>>                               :0:
>>>>                               * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
>>>>                                $SPAMFILE
>>>>Only diffreence from the man is that it push the spam into
>>>>This is because I quarantine spam and deliver a daily summary to
>>>>users, allowing them to automatically recover false +ve.
>>>>And I run spamd as /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/spamd -a -c -d
>>>>I also remember reading that the upgrade from 2.01 to 2.11 erased some
>>>>SA site config files (or they changed name).
>>>>>I'll throw my 2-cents in and let y'all know I have the same problem
>>>>>Gene Ruebsamen wrote:
>>>>>>Quoting Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>>>>when I run spamc < sample-spam.txt > spam.out
>>>>>>>>spamc seems to work; however, when I receive an incoming mail 
>>>>>>>>message, I
>>>>>>>Does it work or not? Do you get a SA header in the output?
>>>>>>Running spamc < sample-spam.txt > spam.out
>>>>>>as a non-root user works fine.  I see the SA header in the output.
>>>>>>I also see a message in the maillog file indicating the message was 
>>>>>>However, when procmail calls spamc, things do not work, and I get 
>>>>>>the messages in my maillog file that I posted earlier.
>>>>>>>>the same error in the maillog:
>>>>>>>>Mar 27 16:55:05 mail spamd[2590]: connection from 
>>>>>>>> ] at port 2017
>>>>>>>>Mar 27 16:55:05 mail spamd[6207]: Still running as root: user not
>>>>>>>>specified, not found, or set to root.  Fall back to nobody.
>>>>>>>>And no, the mail is not being sent to (or from) the root user.  
>>>>>>>>Why would
>>>>>>>>running spamc (as non root) work; yet, when receiving an e-mail 
>>>>>>>>not work?
>>>>>>>Means that spamc hands the message out to spamd.  And that spamd is
>>>>>>>running as root (well you did not change spamd to run as non-root). So
>>>>>>>both messages are not errors.
>>>>>>>Now how do you call spamc from procmail?
>>>>>>| spamc
>>>>>>as stated in the www.spamassassin.org/sitewide.html file.
>>>>>>>Spamassassin-talk mailing list
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>>Jeffrey Bacon
>>Administrator,   Breakfast.ca
>>Student,         Carleton U.
>>Java Programmer, Extr-ordinaire!
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Jeffrey Bacon
Administrator,   Breakfast.ca
Student,         Carleton U.
Java Programmer, Extr-ordinaire!

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