Hi, I am using spamc/spamd (latest version) and have noticed the following 
behavior.  Running with auto-whitelist supports works, as well as general 
spamc/spamd functionality.  But when I enable SQL, i get the following 
errors on a debug:

Cannot create tmp lockfile //.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock : Permission denied

this is running with the following flags:

/usr/bin/spamd -a -c -q -x -D -F 1 -i x.x.x.x -A x.x.x.x

now understand, that if I remove -a, then everything works great, it 
queries my database, grabs the per user settings etc.  Also I am running 
spamd as root.

A few questions here:  Is auto-whitlisting possible when using SQL?  if 
so, is the auto-whitelist actually in SQL itself (like the whitelist_from, 
etc), or is that still maintained in a seperate .db file?

In the above example, with my error, the user DOES have a directory on the 
spamd box, a .spamassassin directory exists inside it, but no files are in 
there.  If I remove SQL functionality (don't use -q or -x) then it creates 
the whitelist files iside the users directory and life is good.

Please let me know if there is anything I should try.


Brian Feeny, CCIE #8036    e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Engineer           p: 318.222.2638x109  
ShreveNet Inc.             f: 318.221.6612 

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