On Thursday 28 March 2002 04:10 pm, dman wrote:
> Minutes ago a spam arrived.  SA flagged it, but the only test it
> triggered was BUGGY_CGI.  This explains why the GA gave it such a high
> score.  Merely looking at the From: and Subject: headers is enough for
> me to know it is obviously spam.
>     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ()
>     Subject: Free Webcams (XXX) 955843986
> This is with version 2.11.

With the current CVS version, this will trigger two porn rules.  However, it 
still won't recognize the unique subject ID.

> If you want the message to analyze further (so that it will trigger
> more tests) I can send it.

Please send it to me as a mail/rfc822 attachments, thanks.

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