> I really like the concept.  I thought Outlook had limited mail filtering
> ability though, namely that it could only sort by From, To, Subject, and
> not additional headers.  Perhaps I am thinking of outlook express.....

Outlook 2000, at least, can sort by anything. If you include a field in a
folder's display as a column, you can click on it to sort by that column. Also
if you go to View | Current View | Customize Current View you can set all sorts
of sorting and grouping options.

I actually have my spam folder grouped by "caught" and "missed" categories so
it appears in two separate sorted lists within the folder.

> Is there a procmail recipe that will sort spam in a users inbox (like on
> the unix server) so that users using pine etc can have that same
> functionaality?

Dunno... that's beyond me. Perhaps a more powerful email client (elm?) would
have this ability.

You could always turn on subject-munging and include the Hits in the subject -
any mail client should be able to sort by that, although it might consider "10"
lower than  "6" due to alphabetic rather than numeric sorting.

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"In this business you either sink or swim or you don't."    -- David Smith

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