> According to a discussion on the procmail list, using the X-message-flag
> header in this way depends on something that the server does, not just on
> using Outlook.  E.g., there was mention of the message being marked as
> flagged by an IMAP server.
> Can you verify that X-message-flag should work regardless of this?

Here's the dealio:

Users who download their mail via POP3 will see the flag.

Users who access their mail on an IMAP server will not.  This is because
IMAP has a set of "flags" that can be associated with a message (Replied,
Flagged, Trashed, Seen or Draft).  Unless the message is marked on the mail
server as "Flagged", the Flag (and associated window heading) will not
appear in Outlook.

I've played around with hacking Maildrop to deliver to the Maildir with the
appropriate flag (http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html), but it's pretty

Hope this helps,


I'll swim along without a care
I'm eating sand when I need air you can
Bet your life I'll meet a pike who'll
Wolf me down for tea tonight

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