Sorry that I posted my original message to razor-users. I meant to post to spamassassin-talk. Here's the relevant discussion.
Originally I wrote: kc> I can get procmail to work with spamassassin with this in the kc> procmailrc file: kc> kc> :0fw kc> | /usr/bin/spamassassin -P kc> kc> :0: kc> * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes kc> /var/spool/mail/spam kc> kc> But when I use this: kc> kc> :0fw kc> | /usr/bin/spamc kc> kc> :0: kc> * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes kc> /var/spool/mail/spam kc> kc> Then it doesn't work. kc> kc> I started spamd using the, which basicly runs kc> 'spamd -d -c -a', copied to /etc/rc.d/init.d/spamassassin and started kc> with 'service spamassassin start'. ps says spamd is running. kc> kc> I tried spamc from command line, and I don't know if this is the kc> right way to do it, but.... kc> kc> cat sample-spam.txt | spamc -c kc> kc> The above gives me an exit status of 74, which is an i/o error. kc> kc> Anyone have any suggestions as to how I could troubleshoot, or kc> preferably fix this? Then Oliver replied: on> First step would be to start spamd without the -d option. on> Kill the one running, and run spamd by hand with option spamd -c -a on> That way all messages will be loged on the screen. That was an excellent suggestion. Here's what I found out by various combinations of cat'ing spam and nonspam into sendmail and looking at the output of spamd running non-daemon. - I can get 'spamd -c -a' to run as non-daemon as root. - I can get 'spamd -d -c -u spamd' to run as daemon, but not if I also try -a, autowhitlisting. I opened up the whitelist directory and all it's files to be read/write by everyone, but I get permission denied when starting spamd. - When I tried 'spamd -d -c -a' as root, first I got a bunch of permission problems. Then I made stuff world writable. After that I got ndbm errors, as deduced by the exit status of spamc. Any more ideas out there? Thanks.... P.S.: Even though I'm not automaticly white listing, everything else seems to be working fine. I've already caught a lot of spam in /var/spool/mail/spam. I built spamassassin as an RPM and automated the rc.d file stuff to start/stop when installing/removing the package. I also added a config file for logrotate. This grabs the subject and from lines from /var/spool/mail/spam, stuffs them into /var/log/spamassassin, rotates /var/log/spamassassin and zero's out /var/spool/mail/spam. I figured that this would let me keep an eye on spamassassin for a while, to make sure I didn't screw up too badly when installing and configuring it. If anyone is interested in my add-ons, I'm happy to share. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]