On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, martin f. krafft wrote:
> [please keep cc'ing me on replies]
> also sprach Duncan Findlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.03.26.2358 +0100]:
>> Report a Debian bug or a bugzilla bug
>> (http://bugzilla.spamassassin.org), and I'll definitely look into it. 
>> Please be sure to include the version of Razor you are using.
> yeeehaa, razor... it somehow got uninstalled. debian should list it as
> dependency...!

Hell, no. I don't want to have to explicitly disable that particular
poisoned well myself, thank you very much.

If Razor even release the server software, dubious as that seems, and I
set up a server with a *trusted* user-base, *and* I trust the server to
refuse submission from hostile third parties, /maybe/ I will want Razor.

Until then it can black-hole all of Bugtraq, test messages and a
semi-random assortment of other non-SPAM for people who want to do that
sort of thing.


Maybe I am not very human - What I wanted to do was
to paint sunlight on the side of a house.
        -- Edward Hopper

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