> > one I know ever uses the word lolita. The last time I heard
> that word being
> > used not in relation to porn was when I had a friend called
> Lolita (Some 15
> > years ago now). As far as I can think of Lolita is only ever
> used as a porn
> What kind of sicko would name their daughter Lolita?
Lolly as she was known.....
She was a classmate when I was in Primary school in London (UK)... so I
suppose the answer would be an Upper Middle class English couple having a
baby in the mid 70s. To tell you the truth it wasn't untill I descovered Net
Porn (Or should that be Net Porn descovered me?) that I heard the word
lolita used in the pedo context. I'm still not sure why it's used. I'm
guessing there was a film where some underage femail called Lolita....
err.... yunno... and the name then stuck for the genre.


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