First, five headers I've found found only in spam.  There's not many 
instances of them, but it should help:

# X-MailingID and X-ServerHost seem to only be used by a single
# spamming software, and are found together in the same message
header   X_MAIL_ID_PRESENT     X-MailingID =~ /./
describe X_MAIL_ID_PRESENT     Found an X-MailingID header

header   X_SERV_HOST_PRESENT   X-ServerHost =~ /./
describe X_SERV_HOST_PRESENT   Found an X-ServerHost header

header   X_X_PRESENT           X-x =~ /./
describe X_X_PRESENT           Found an X-x header

header   X_ENC_PRESENT         X-Encoding =~ /./
describe X_ENC_PRESENT         Found an X-Encoding header

# X-Fix example: NTMail fixed non RFC822 compliant EMail message
header   X_FIX_PRESENT         X-Fix =~ /./
describe X_FIX_PRESENT         Found an X-Fix header


I've seen a few spams that have javascript in an URI, so:

uri      JAVASCRIPT_URI        /^javascript:/i
describe JAVASCRIPT_URI        Javascript in an URI


Finally, I've seen a few spams that simply have a "#", and nothing else, as 
an URI, which is only really useful when using JavaScript tricks; this 
doesn't appear in any of my non spam.

uri      URI_IS_POUND          /^\#$/
describe URI_IS_POUND          URI is just a pound; probably a JS trick

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