--- Quoting Jeffrey Bacon on 2002/03/19 at 12:10 -0500:

> ok, I tried setting /root/.spamassassin/* including subdirs as rw by ALL
> and setting thier group membership to 'mail' (same as my mail user who
> spamd is running as) still get:
> Mar 19 11:56:08 bacon spamd[22447]: connection from localhost [
> ] at port 45093
> Mar 19 11:56:08 bacon spamd[23808]: Creating default_prefs
> [/root/.spamassassin/user_prefs]
> Mar 19 11:56:08 bacon spamd[23808]: Couldn't create readable
> default_prefs for [/root/.spamassassin/user_prefs]
> Mar 19 11:56:08 bacon spamd[23808]: clean message (0/5) for root:8 in
> 0 seconds.

It appears as though the email is being sent to root@. spamd is trying
to read root's user_prefs file.  It doesn't find it so it tries to
create it.  Because spamd is running as uid 8 it is unable to do so and
so you get an error.



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