I've made a bunch of changed to get_decoded_stripped_body_text_array().

First, rather than decoding hex entities like � directly to ascii 
characters, I chaned it to convert them to decimal before the decimeal 
entities are replaced.  Thus ” will get converted first to ň and 
then to a double quote, rather than being converted to the 8 bit character 
with value 148.

Then I chaned all decimal entity replacements of the form "&#0XYZ;" to 
"&#0?XYZ;", so that there doesn't need to be a leading zero.

I added some more HTML entity replacements, for the non-breaking space, 
back-tick, en-dash, em-dash, and tilde.  I also added replacements for the 
(C), (R) and (TM) entities, though that was just for the sake of 
completeness, and probably unecessary.

I added a replacement to change <Q> and </Q> to double quote.

I added replacements to turn an <HR> or two consecutive <BR>s into a 
paragraph break.

Next I made some big changes to the anchor HREF extracting regexp.  It was:


But this has a few problems.  It will miss anchors like this:

    <A target="_blank" href="http://foobar.com";>
    <A href="http://foobar.com"; target="_blank">

I changed it so that it can find the HREF anywere inside of an anchor tag.  
Also, an HREF with leading and trailing whitespace inside of quotes will work:

    <A href=" http://foobar.com ">

so that had to be taken into account.

Then I extend that regexp, and added a few more, to extract URIs from <AREA>, 
<LINK>, <IMG>, <FRAME>, <IFRAME>, <EMBED>, <SCRIPT> and <FORM>.  I also added 
a regexp to extract the HREF in a <BASE> tag as BASEURI:mumble, and changed 
do_body_uri_tests() so that it uses this.

Finally, I added a regexp to get rid of HTML comments.  I did this because a 
otherwise spammer could add something like:

    <!-- <BASE HREF="http://fake-uri.com/";> -->

to trick SA.  They could also do something like:

    SECTION <!-- foobar --> 301

to escape detection by the SECTION_301 rule.  To remove HTML comments, I had 
to use a non-greedy regexp:


and non-greedy regexps are supposed to be expensive.  Also, a spammer sending 
a plain text message could put "<!--" at the front of the message and "-->" 
at the end in order to get the whole message ignored.  We should probably 
change get_decoded_stripped_body_text_array() so it only applies HTML related 
mungings to HTML sections of the message.

Visit http://dmoz.org, the world's   | Give a man a match, and he'll be warm
largest human edited web directory.  | for a minute, but set him on fire, and
                                     | he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 132152059 |
Index: lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -3 -p -r1.85 PerMsgStatus.pm
--- lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm	19 Mar 2002 22:38:45 -0000	1.85
+++ lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/PerMsgStatus.pm	22 Mar 2002 06:14:48 -0000
@@ -689,6 +706,19 @@ sub get_decoded_body_text_array {
+# A URI can be like:
+#   href=foo.htm
+#   href = foo.htm
+#   href="foo.htm"
+#   href='foo.htm'
+#   href = 'foo.htm'
+#   href = ' foo.htm '
+# and such.  Have to deal with all of it
+my $URI_in_tag = qr/\s*=\s*["']?\s*([^'">\s]*)\s*["']?[^>]*/;
 sub get_decoded_stripped_body_text_array {
   my ($self) = @_;
   local ($_);
@@ -709,34 +739,69 @@ sub get_decoded_stripped_body_text_array
     $text .= $_;
-  $text =~ s/=\r?\n//gis;	# QP line endings
-  # sort out escaped QP markup
-  $text =~ s/=20/ /gis;
-  $text =~ s/=3E/>/gis;         # spam trick, disguise HTML
-  $text =~ s/=[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]//gis;
-  $text =~ s/\n\n+/<p>/gs;	# keep paragraph breaks
-  # strip HTML tags and entities
-  $text =~ s/(?:\&\#0147;|\&\#0148;|\&quot;)/"/gs;
-  $text =~ s/\&\#0146;/'/gs;
+  # Get rid of comments.  Isn't the non-greedy ".*?" awful expensive?
+  #
+  # There might be things in comments we'd want to look at, like
+  # SCRIPT and STYLE content, but that can be taken care of with
+  # rawbody tests.
+  $text =~ s/<!--.*?-->//gs;
+  # Try to put paragraph breaks where'd they'd be in HTML.  There's
+  # an optional "/" before the ends of some tags in case it's XML style.
+  $text =~ s/<BR\/?>\s*<BR\/?>/\n\n/gis; # Two line breaks
+  $text =~ s/<HR\/?>/\n\n/gis;           # Horizontal line
+  # Keep paragraph breaks
+  $text =~ s/\n\n+/<p>/gs;
+  # Convert hex entities to decimal equivalents, so that the specific
+  # decimal regexps will match
+  $text =~ s/\&\#x([a-f0-9]+);/"&#" . hex($1) . ";"/ieg;
+  # Convert specific HTML entities
+  $text =~ s/(?:\&nbsp;|\&\#0?160;)/ /gis;
+  $text =~ s/(?:\&reg;|\&\#0?174;)/(R)/gis;
+  $text =~ s/(?:\&copy;|\&\#0?169;)/(C)/gis;
+  $text =~ s/\&\#0?153;/(TM)/gs;
+  $text =~ s/(?:\&\#0?147;|\&\#0?148;|\&\#0?132|\&quot;)/"/gis;
+  $text =~ s/\&\#0?146;/'/gs;
+  $text =~ s/\&\#0?145;/`/gs;
+  $text =~ s/\&\#0?150;/-/gs;  # En-dash
+  $text =~ s/\&\#0?151;/--/gs; # Em-dash
+  $text =~ s/\&\#0?152;/~/gs;
   $text =~ s/\&\#82(?:16|17|20|11);//gs;
+  # Convert <Q> tags
+  $text =~ s/<\/?Q\b[^>]*>/"/gis;
-  # convert decimal and hex entities to their characters
+  # Convert decimal entities to their characters
   $text =~ s/\&\#(\d+);/chr($1)/eg;
-  $text =~ s/\&\#x([a-f0-9]+);/chr(hex($1))/eg;
-  # no idea what this is meant to do? Strip broken entities perhaps?
+  # Strip all remaining HTML entities
   $text =~ s/\&[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+;/ /gs;
   # join all consecutive whitespace into a single space
-  $text =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
+  $text =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
-  $text =~ s/<p>/\n\n/gis;	# reinsert para breaks
-  $text =~ s/<a\s+href\s*=\s*["']?(.*?)["']\s*>/URI:$1 /gis;
+  # reinsert para breaks
+  $text =~ s/<p>/\n\n/gis;
+  # Get rid of "BASEURI:" in case spammers insert it raw to try to
+  # mess us up
+  $text =~ s/BASEURI://sg;
+  # Extract URIs from various HTML tags, so that they'll still be there
+  # when the URI tests are done.
+  # <A>, <AREA>, <BASE> and <LINK> use "href=URI".
+  # <IMG>, <FRAME>, <IFRAME>, <EMBED> and <SCRIPT> use "src=URI"
+  # <FORM> uses "action=URI"
+  $text =~ s/<base\s[^>]*\bhref$URI_in_tag>/BASEURI:$1 /ogis;
+  $text =~ s/<(?:a|area|link)\s[^>]*\bhref$URI_in_tag>/URI:$1 /ogis;
+  $text =~ s/<(?:img|i?frame|embed|script)\s[^>]*\bsrc$URI_in_tag>/URI:$1 /ogis;
+  $text =~ s/<form\s[^>]*\baction$URI_in_tag>/URI:$1 /ogis;
+  # Get rid of all remaing HTML and XML tags
   $text =~ s/<[?!\s]*[:a-z0-9]+\b[^>]*>//gis;
   $text =~ s/<\/[:a-z0-9]+>//gis;
@@ -757,6 +822,9 @@ sub get {
   my $getaddr = 0;
   if ($hdrname =~ s/:addr$//) { $getaddr = 1; }
+  my $getname = 0;
+  if ($hdrname =~ s/:name$//) { $getname = 1; }
   my @hdrs = $self->{msg}->get_header ($hdrname);
   if ($#hdrs >= 0) {
     $_ = join ("\n", @hdrs);
@@ -784,6 +852,11 @@ sub get {
     s/^.*?<(.+)>\s*$/$1/g		# Foo Blah <jm@foo>
     	or s/^(.+)\s\(.*?\)\s*$/$1/g;	# jm@foo (Foo Blah)
+  } elsif ($getname) {
+    chomp; s/\r?\n//gs;
+    s/^[\'\"]*(.*?)[\'\"]*\s*<.+>\s*$/$1/g # Foo Blah <jm@foo>
+    	or s/^.+\s\((.*?)\)\s*$/$1/g;	   # jm@foo (Foo Blah)
   } else {
     $_ = $self->mime_decode_header ($_);
@@ -1081,12 +1154,25 @@ sub do_body_uri_tests {
   my $text = join('', @$textary);
   # warn("spam: /$uriRe/ $text\n");
+  my $base_uri = "http://";;
   while ($text =~ /\G.*?(<$uriRe>|$uriRe)/gsoc) {
       my $uri = $1;
       $uri =~ s/^<(.*)>$/$1/;
+      # Use <BASE HREF="URI"> to turn relative links into
+      # absolute links
+      if ($uri =~ s/^BASEURI://i) {
+        $base_uri = $uri;
+        # Make sure it ends in a slash
+        $base_uri .= "/" unless($base_uri =~ /\/$/);
+        next;
+      }
       $uri =~ s/^URI://i;
-      $uri = "http://$uri"; unless $uri =~ /^[a-z]+:/i;
+      $uri = "${base_uri}$uri" unless $uri =~ /^[a-z]+:/i;
       # warn("Got URI: $uri\n");
       push @uris, $uri;

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