Well, I guess I'm a bit of an exception in the world,
a computer geek with English and Film degrees.  That
probably explains a few things.  I like to think I
have a wide variety of interests rather than being

If it seems worthwhile, I would be happy to set up an
account on my machine and subscribe it to a wide
variety of less geeky journals and newsletters, i.e.
NYTimes, Denver Post, CNN alerts, Recipie of the Day,
etc. and then sort though them taking out the trash
and then ftp the mailbox somewhere every few weeks. 
If it is kept somewhat private, I don't really care if
a few people see what CNN sends to me.

Would it be more useful to weight the submissions
towards the high false positives or just submit
everything?  Right now I'm only collecting things that
are considered spam by SA.  (They are also in their
altered format, with the SPAM tag in the subject and
the report in the header.)

But let me know if this would help and where and how
to send the results every few weeks.

I would love to see SA and projects like it become
successful because if spammers start to find that
nothing is getting though anymore and isn't worth the
effort anymore, then they will move on to other scams.
 I can dream, I guess.  Either that or they will have
to make their spams gibberish to get past the filters.

Speaking of, I didn't see a rule that catches the URLs
that have binary numbers in them, something like:
I can't think that this would ever be legitimate.  

You gotta wonder what less technical people think
clicking on URLs that are a mile long and with all
sorts of special weird characters.  Hopefully as
spammers get more out there to try and fool spamcop
and other filtering and reporting systems, people get
a little warier.

A digest rule seems like a good idea too.  Most of my
mailing lists I get digested and formail explodes them
to another folder before SA sees them, but a bunch of
them would get caught otherwise.


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