I saw in the Lockergnome newsletter I received today, Spamassassin was slammed big time. I do see his point though. Does SA really do that great of a job with newsletters and journals?
Just as an exercise, I ran though my journals folder though SA and it wasn't pretty. These are all mailing lists that I subscribe to in this folder. There were about 2000 emails covering about two years, about 100 recent ones from the last month or so and the rest were things that I haven't gotten around to deleting yet. Out of those, 213 hit over 5 and a lot of them scored in double digits. Pretty much every one of the Lockergnome journals scored about 15. I never see this since as a matter of habit procmail filters all my mailing lists to another folder before SA sees any of them. Is this just the journals I read or does this seem like a really big problem to others? I know these can be whitelisted (and in my case, procmail takes care of them), but if an ISP, for example, is going to use SA, lots of people are going to get legitmate mail filtered and will have to go hunting for it in their caught mail folder. I think it does a great job with personal emails, you know, letters to mom and friends, but mailing lists seem to contain so many of the spammy sorts of things, they really don't score well. If anybody wants to look at the emails, let me know and I'll send the file of emails that failed the test along. Kerry. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk