Never mind. I'm a fool. It is working fine, and reading from the correct ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs file. I'll be over on the corner. That's the odd thing about computers. They only do exactly what they're told to do. Mike
>I thought the < looked odd. But it doesn't work either way. But is >the -c even needed? I thought the users_pref under .spamassassin was >read automatically. > >>On 13 March 2002, Rob McMillin said: >>> -p only reads user scores. Did you try >>> >>> :0fw: >>> | spamassassin -P -c </home/mclark/.spamassassin/user_prefs >> ^ >>Umm, I don't think you want to filter your user_prefs file through >>SA. Looks like that should be >> >> | spamassassin -P -c /home/mclark/.spamassassin/user_prefs >> >> Greg _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]