On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 09:34:04PM -0700, Michael Moncur wrote:
> > Spammers are required by law in at least some major jurisdictions to
> > include "ADV" and/or "ADLT" in the subject lines of their spam.  SA
> > should detect this with a very high score.  I just got an "ADV ADLT"
> > message (no colon following, but I don't think that's required) that
> > passed by the filter.
> Perhaps they're becoming more popular now, but in my archive of the last 500
> spam messages I've received I didn't find a single occurrance of "ADV" or
> "ADLT" in the subject. I found 5 matches for "Adult" and 2 matches for
> "Advertisement", though.

We've been uh, 'filtering', mail that matches these rules for a long time,
the patterns that we've seen are:

   ^Subject: ADV-ADULT|\
   ^Subject: SPAM: |\
   ^Subject: \[ADV\]|\
   ^Subject: ADV\.|\
   ^Subject: ADV -)

Kelsey Cummings - [EMAIL PROTECTED]         sonic.net
System Administrator                    300 B Street, Ste 101
707.522.1000 (Voice)                    Santa Rosa, CA 95404
707.547.2199 (Fax)                      http://www.sonic.net/
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