On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 09:10:56PM -0500, I wrote:
> Actually, it was a different sig handler from the same manpage, IIRC.

Errr... now I remember. I think that the sighandler for SIGCHLD blocks any
new SIGCHLDs from occuring, meaning (as I interpret it) SIGCHLD doesn't get
re-executed. The sighandler with -m causes all children to be cleaned-up
after rather than just 1, as it was berfore v. 1.23 of spamd.

> Don't use -m on BSD might be wise anyways, since essentially, my patch
> simply allows connections to pile up without accepting them, until we have
> the resources to handle them. I believe SOMAXCONN is 5 on BSD, so if you get
> 11 mails with -m 5, you get some connections refused.
> On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 06:03:23PM -0800, Craig Hughes wrote:
> > I had the perlipc manpage signal handler in there in the first place,
> > and it had to be replaced with the one you just re-replaced.  Definitely
> > would be good to have a number of BSDers hammer on this patch before I
> > roll it in.  Otherwise, I could roll it in with a giant "Don't use -m on
> > BSD" warning.
> > 

Duncan Findlay

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