Razor 1.20 seems to be broken.  Apparently Vipul is in India for a while
(is he back yet?  I'm not on the razor list), so the current solution is
to downgrade razor to 1.19 then everything works fine.


On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 20:56, Donovan Lange wrote:
> First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for developing some kick-ass software.
> You guys rock!  :)
> I recently installed both SpamAssassin and Vipul's Razor.  While they each work
> independently, spamassassin apparently has "issues" loading the razor_check.  In
> particular, I get the error message "undefined Razor::Client".
> I've included my install log below.  What's really weird is that I hunted down
> the location of the first occurrence in the code where it tries to load
> Razor::Client, and added some debugging information.  print("@INC\n"); shows
> that the correct directory (/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/) is in the
> include path, Razor is a subdirectory of this, and Client.pm is a file within
> Razor.  Everything should be working, but it isn't.  :(
> Mind you, I'm not a very proficient perl hacker, so I'm sure I may have missed
> something essential, but any help that you might be able to provide would be
> great.
> This is all happening on OpenBSD 2.8 (i386) with perl 5.6.0.
> If you could be so kind as to cc me in any replies, that'd be great.  I'm not a
> member of the list.
> Install log follows:
> ....................
> Installed SpamAssassin from CPAN:
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> o conf prerequisites_policy ask
> install Mail::SpamAssassin
> Had to move the man pages into /usr/share/man/cat1, as the Makefile insisted
> on putting them into /.  :(  Continued.
> Vipul's Razor:  first installed dependencies from CPAN:
> install Net::DNS
> install Net::Ping
> install Time::HiRes
> install Diget::SHA1
> install Mail::Internet
> Downloaded razor-agents-sdk and razor-agents to ~lange/src.
> cd ~lange/razor-agents-sdk-1.00/
> perl Makefile.PM
> make
> make test
> [as root] make install
> cd ~lange/razor-agents-1.20/
> perl Makefile.PM
> make
> make test
> Urgh, old version of Digets:SHA1.  Bad CPAN!
> Download version 2.01 of Digest:SHA1.
> cd ~lange/Digest-SHA1-2.01
> perl <blah blah blah>
> cd ../razor-agents-1.20  
> make test
> [as root] make install
> <whew>
> Tested razor-check by cat'ing two messages (one spam, one non-spam) through   
> razor-check -d.  Worked.  Go razor-check!
> Tested spamassassin.  spamassassin works, but apparently can't find   
> Razor::Client.  :(
> Messed with this for a long, frustrating time.  Ensured that the correct @INC
> was being set.  Even tried messing with /usr/bin/spamassassin and adding in
> explicit modifications to @INC.  No dice.
> At the end of the journey, the only thing that I can say with confidence is that
> razor-check and spamassassin are both very, very, cool programs.  And I hate,
> hate, hate, hate perl.  ;p
> --
> donovan.lange

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