First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for developing some kick-ass software.
You guys rock!  :)

I recently installed both SpamAssassin and Vipul's Razor.  While they each work
independently, spamassassin apparently has "issues" loading the razor_check.  In
particular, I get the error message "undefined Razor::Client".

I've included my install log below.  What's really weird is that I hunted down
the location of the first occurrence in the code where it tries to load
Razor::Client, and added some debugging information.  print("@INC\n"); shows
that the correct directory (/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/) is in the
include path, Razor is a subdirectory of this, and is a file within
Razor.  Everything should be working, but it isn't.  :(

Mind you, I'm not a very proficient perl hacker, so I'm sure I may have missed
something essential, but any help that you might be able to provide would be

This is all happening on OpenBSD 2.8 (i386) with perl 5.6.0.

If you could be so kind as to cc me in any replies, that'd be great.  I'm not a
member of the list.

Install log follows:

Installed SpamAssassin from CPAN:

perl -MCPAN -e shell
o conf prerequisites_policy ask
install Mail::SpamAssassin

Had to move the man pages into /usr/share/man/cat1, as the Makefile insisted
on putting them into /.  :(  Continued.

Vipul's Razor:  first installed dependencies from CPAN:

install Net::DNS
install Net::Ping
install Time::HiRes
install Diget::SHA1
install Mail::Internet

Downloaded razor-agents-sdk and razor-agents to ~lange/src.

cd ~lange/razor-agents-sdk-1.00/
perl Makefile.PM
make test
[as root] make install

cd ~lange/razor-agents-1.20/
perl Makefile.PM
make test
Urgh, old version of Digets:SHA1.  Bad CPAN!

Download version 2.01 of Digest:SHA1.
cd ~lange/Digest-SHA1-2.01
perl <blah blah blah>

cd ../razor-agents-1.20  
make test
[as root] make install


Tested razor-check by cat'ing two messages (one spam, one non-spam) through   
razor-check -d.  Worked.  Go razor-check!

Tested spamassassin.  spamassassin works, but apparently can't find   
Razor::Client.  :(

Messed with this for a long, frustrating time.  Ensured that the correct @INC
was being set.  Even tried messing with /usr/bin/spamassassin and adding in
explicit modifications to @INC.  No dice.

At the end of the journey, the only thing that I can say with confidence is that
razor-check and spamassassin are both very, very, cool programs.  And I hate,
hate, hate, hate perl.  ;p


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