On Sat, 02 Mar 2002, Rob McMillin wrote:
> Duncan Findlay wrote:
>>On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 09:50:03PM -0800, Rob McMillin wrote:
>>> I would like to suggest that the ROUND_THE_WORLD test, which seems
>>> to catch little real spam these days. (Maybe it's just me.) I would
>>> submit for the group's slings and arrows, as a better substitute, a
>>> rule that seems to work well for me:
>>> header FROM_SPAMLAND    Received =~
>>> /\.(?:kr|cn|cl|ar|hk|il|th|tw|sg|za|tr|ma|ua|in|pe)(?:[\s\)\]]|$)/
>>>describe FROM_SPAMLAND    From a country with lots of open relays
>>>score FROM_SPAMLAND    2
>>>Let the spear-chucking commence!
>>Lets try not to discriminate against foreign users.
> I understand your concern about fair play. As the comments for the
> extant ROUND_THE_WORLD says, sad but true -- sort it out, sysadmins. 
> Once they start actually closing open relays, I'll be happy to reduce
> the number and/or score of this test. But I think others will find
> this useful.

I am curious about the score you assigned to it -- did you run the GA
over your corpus of mail to generate it (and which -- Craig or Justin),
or is this an arbitrarily assigned score?

It would be interesting to know what the GA thought of the effectiveness
of the test.


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Makes quite simple people feel they're complex.
        -- S. N. Behrman

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