> -----Original Message-----
> From: Casey Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 12:15 PM
> Subject: [SAtalk] RBL Configuration
> I'm using MimeDefang with SpamAssassin and it is working very 
> well.  My question is this: how do I go about configuring which
> RBL services for SpamAssassin to use?  Does the SpamAssassin RBL
> functionality work if I'm using MimeDefang?

MIMEDefang doesn't use any of the remote tests by default, but I can't
think of any reason why it'd be incompatible with them.  As far as I can
tell (I haven't had a particular reason to try, so this is just based on
a cursory inspection of the code and understanding of the docs) it'd
simply be a matter of overriding the "Local Tests Only" setting when
MimeDefang invokes the SpamAssassin libraries (look for the string
local_tests_only in mimedefang.pl), and then assigning non-zero weights
to the RBL tests as described in SA's readme.  (MIMEDefang uses a
spamassassin.cf located in /etc/mail by default.)

Mark Roedel           | "Blessed is he who has learned to laugh
Systems Programmer    |  at himself, for he shall never cease
LeTourneau University |  to be entertained."
Longview, Texas, USA  |                          -- John Powell

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