My freebsd 4.4 startup script is much simpler then yours and it seems to
work for me.  in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

[ -x /usr/bin/spamd ] && /usr/bin/spamd -u nobody -L -d > /dev/null && echo -n ' spamd'

The file is executable


On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Mike Loiterman wrote:

> Just installed Spamassassin and so far everything is working ok.  EXCEPT
> for a few issues:
> 1.       I'm running FreeBSD 4.4 and want to invoke spamd via an
> initscript.  Here is the script I am using:
> #!/bin/sh
> case "$1" in
>   start)
>         # Start daemon.
>         /usr/local/sbin/spamd  > /dev/null & && echo -n ' spamd'
>         ;;
>   stop)
>         # Stop daemons.
>         kill `ps uax | grep spamd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` >
> /dev/null && echo -n ' spamd'
>         ;;
>   restart)
>         $0 stop
>         $0 start
>         ;;
>   status)
>         status spamd
>         ;;
>   *)
>         echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
>         exit 1
> esac
> exit 0
> The only problem is that if I try to run it as spamd -a then it fails to
> startup correctly on boot.  Wondering if anyone found a way around that.
> Also I received some spam regarding Viagra and it was not marked as
> Spam.  Wondering was an HTML message, does that have anything to
> do with it?

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