On 21 Feb 2002, Craig Hughes wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 10:22, Arpi wrote:


>> body FOR_INSTANT_ACCESS         /\sINSTANT\s+ACCESS.{0,20}\s+/i
>> correct me if i'm wrong, i'm still newbie in regexp world :)
> I think
> is fine by itself.  I'll make that change now.

Possibly still allowing for more than one space between the words. :)


>> not an easy rule.
>> rawbody ASCII_FORM_ENTRY /[^<][A-Za-z][A-Za-z]+.{1,15}?\s+_{30,}/


> Does anyone know why it cares about that [^<]? Seems to me like the
> rest of the rule is descriptive enough that it should match. Actually,
> I'd say that just /\s+_{30,}/ would be probably be a decent rule for
> this.

Watch out for people warlording; I get occasional false positives
already from people who think that a large number of -- or __ characters
in the signature is a good idea. ;)

Maybe something more like:

rawbody ASCII_FORM_ENTRY /^\s+(?:[[:alnum:]]{5,30}\s+){1,5}_{25,}/

That should be evaluate fairly fast and still match most, if not all,
the cases where the previous rule matched and it should be quite a bit
faster than the previous one.


When we want to infuse new ideas, to modify or better the habits and customs
of a people, to breathe new vigour into its national traits, we must use the
child as our vehicle; for so little can be accomplished with adults.
        -- Maria Montessori, _The Absorbent Mind_, 1949

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