On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Arpi wrote:
> rawbody ASCII_FORM_ENTRY        /[^<][A-Za-z][A-Za-z]+.{1,15}?\s+_{30,}/
> could someone please explain what does [^<] matches ?
> afaik ^ means beginning-of-line but it's strange in [] character array.
> so, what does ^ mean there? begin-of-line or '^' character?
> i think it's beg-of-line, as PCRE couldn't optimize this regexp with
> possible-first-chars-table. then we should split this to 2 rules. it is
> really slow at too many mails.
> (i've got 11687 slow (took longer than 1ms) checks running on your spam coll.)

[^<] will match any character except <.  If the first character inside
brackets ([]) is ^, then the rule will match any character not in the


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