
I just installed SpamAssasin for the first time and have
installed the Spamass-Milter with Sendmail 8.12.2. All
seems to be working:

415 ?  S   0:00 sendmail: accepting connections
427 ?  S   0:00 sendmail: Queue runner@00:15:00 for
460 ?  S   0:00 /usr/local/bin/spamass-milter
468 ?  S   0:00 /usr/local/bin/spamass-milter
469 ?  S   0:00 /usr/local/bin/spamass-milter
887 ?  S   0:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/spamd -a -u smadmin -s local2 -F
0 -d

My question is - is SpammAssassin ready "out of the box" to 
differentiate between spam and non-spam "99.94%" of the cases
or do I need customized rules. The reason I ask is because
I sent myself obvious spam (free mortgage quote) and could
only get a 3.6 hit rate.

Also is the reference to /etc/spamassassin.cf in the "Welcome 
to SpamAssassin" old and has been replaced by /etc/mail/spamassassin/*
or should I have them both?

And one more - I want to use SpamAssassin only with site-wide 
configuration. Should I run spamd with the -x switch to turn
off per-user config files or do I need the per-user config files
for the user that sendmail runs as? Do the white lists get 
written site-wide or written to the sendmail RUN_AS_USER user?

Sorry about the newbie questions ... thanks, Mike

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