On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> The corpus we have now may be fine for techies, but it frankly needs
> work for us ISPs.
> The +1 scores for tests with a GA score above 20 and 30 is a good
> idea, but remember that both hotmail and msn have those goddamn "click
> here for MSN|Hotmail Photos" signatures.
> Actually maybe that's all we need to help the everyday user. A test
> for the MSN/Hotmail signatures that removes a point or point and a
> half.
> Does anyone else see this as a potential good thing/problem?

I would be extremely happy to see SpamAssassin extended to recognize the
routine, vaguely irritating spam that is attached to "free" email
messages and the like.

While it's annoying, it's a fairly common choice for people and, more
and more, what the various mailing lists and the like I am on are using
to fund stuff.

So, I would be very pleased to see this done.

Of course, I plan on building my own GA evolved scores from my 1.5GB
body of mail, so it's not /such/ an issue for me. :)

Impropaganda: Using propaganda techniques not in accordance with good sense,
good faith, or good morals... methods not consistent with the American pattern
of behavior based on Judeo-Christian ethics.
        -- Edward L. Bernays, author of Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923)

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