I've seen many "stock advisory" spams slip through recently. They tend to have
>From lines like this:

From: Investor Offers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Anyone think this is worth a rule? I would think both "investor" and "offers"
(or either separately) would be a good spam indicator, but I'm curious whether
the GA would agree. Here are a bunch of phrases from the message body that
might also be possibilities:

special offer
the offer below
investor offers
FDIC Insured

This also appears to be connected (whether with their knowledge or not) to
DoubleClick, the relatively respectable banner-ad company. Here's a "remove"
URL from the message:

I've only seen two of these so far, but maybe a "lots of numbers in URL" rule
would be a good idea.

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"Of those who say nothing, few are silent."     -- Thomas Neill

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