> > Just out of curiosity Kelsey, why file based?  What's wrong with sql
> Nothing, although afaic, it's just another moving part to break.  The real

Eh...if you've already got MySQL or some other rdbms running, minor :)

> reason the I want to use file based configuration is we have a large
> of shell users, and an alarming number of users who still only use shell.
> The shell only users are quite capable of editing the files themselves and
> the ppp users can use a webapp that edits the files.  We use NIS and have
> pair of clustered NetApps; file based config just makes sense for us.

That's valid :)  Like I said, mainly curious as to the why's of your choice.
On the otherhand, I wrote my tool pretty modular - just about everything is
a subroutine, and it's released under the GPL.  You should just have to
tweak the auth checking, and replace the two subs to get and save the users
preferences to use the files instead of sql.....and maybe not even the get
prefs, 'cause I call SpamAssassin to get those.

> --
> Kelsey Cummings - [EMAIL PROTECTED]         sonic.net


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