> I'm trying to collect some interesting information for a magazine
> article on SA.  I'm guessing we're up into the hundreds of thousands of
> users now (end users that is, not installed copies).  Could those of you
> who have largish installations let me know how many users you service?
> Also, any other general feedback on generally what you like/dislike
> about SA?  I'm pretty familiar with the more detailed feature
> requests/bugs/integration questions, etc that people have, but was
> looking to take a bit of a step back and look at how people who use it
> view SA in general.

I've got it set up for Benshaw (~200 users) and Gate-Way Internet (~3500 
users) -- very nice.

I will be deploying it for several other companies, ranging from a half dozen 
users to hundreds of users in the next few weeks.

Things I like:
- excellent spam filtering
- very active development community

Features I wish it had:
- send messages to a set-up email address and have them accepted as spam 
(auto-GA updates)  (make it work with the Outlook/Outlook Express users in 
- send messages to a set-up email address and have it strip the spam 
identification, update the GA to not mark this as spam and deliver to the 
original user (basically a spam-tag "undo")
- whitelisting in the same database as the user prefs
- a "pretty" user pref editor (web-based?)

Really, that's about it.  I am very impressed with it, both in the development 
side and the client-side.  I have many happier users now, and many of these 
feature requests I should be able to do on my own and then contribute back 
with a HOWTO.


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