On 30 Jan 2002 at 15:02, Justin Mason wrote:

> Kamil Kisiel said:
> > My previous mail filter, written using SpamAssassin 1.5 and the
> > Mail::SpamAssassin:MyMailAudit module no longer works with SpamAssassin
> > 2.0. As far as I can tell, the MyMailAudit module has been removed from
> > Mail::SpamAssassin and replaced with Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit.
> > The documentation provided with M::SA still uses the old MyMailAudit
> > module, which I am now also use'ing in my script as a temporary fix.
> > What I want to know is what does the new module provide that replaces
> > the methods provided by MyMailAudit ?
> First of all -- MyMailAudit is a simple wrapper object for Mail::Audit,
> it doesn't really do much and relies on M:A being present.
> OK, the differences:
> NoMailAudit is essentially a 100% compatible reimplementation of M:A which
> (a) does not require M:A or any of the other modules it requires, and (b)
> fixes some bugs that M:A has (cf. the (unusable ;) list archives for more
> details); specifically, M:A does some rather ineffective locking,
> occasionally results in corrupted "From " lines, and alters the message
> headers.
> Try use'ing the Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit and it should work fine.
> I'm not sure why use'ing MyMailAudit should die though.

Users of MIMEDefang 2.3 (which included integration with SA 1.5) are 
also having problems using NoMailAudit with SA 2.x.

Using Mail::Audit isn't a problem for us because any modifications, 
header munging, etc. are handled by MIMEDefang; SpamAssassin is only 
used to determine the spam status.  Mail::Audit bugs don't bite under 
those circumstances.

The relevant part of the mimedefang perl script is as follows:

sub spam_assassin_check() {
    open(IN, "<./INPUTMSG") or return 0;
    my $mail = Mail::SpamAssassin::MyMailAudit->new(data=>\*IN);
    my $spamtest = 

This worked perfectly fine with SA 1.5, but changing the \
MyMailAudit->new() call to NoMailAudit->new() produces the following 

> stderr: Not an ARRAY reference at \ 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Mail/SpamAssassin/NoMailAudit.pm line 93.

It's quite easy to work around by continuing to use MyMailAudit (or 
even Mail::Audit), but it might be better to get this working with 
NoMailAudit instead.  Any suggestions?
Nels Lindquist <*>
Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.

Whatever is said in Latin, sounds profound.

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