I wrote a very short script to do this:

echo From: $1|spamassassin -R


You then just pass the script the e-mail address you want to remove, and it
removes it.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of J.
> Davis
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:44 AM
> To: Ethan Tuttle
> Subject: Re: [SAtalk] auto whitelist behavior with spamassassin -t
> As a point-of-interest related to this, how does one remove an
> address from the auto whitelist database (DBM)? And exactly how were
> you "poking around"? I have a small perl script which lists the
> addresses, suppose I could extend it for editing, just curious how
> others handle this task...
> Also, I'm not completely sure what the benefit of this database is.
> Why not just treat every message the same and run it through the GA?
> Thanks...
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Ethan Tuttle wrote:
> > Hi everyone.  I finally got SpamAssassin 2.01 working on my
> shell account
> > and I love it so far!  I've been lurking on the list for a few
> weeks now.
> > Quite lively around here.
> >
> > I was poking around in my auto whitelist database and I was
> surprised to
> > see some obvious spammer addresses in there already.  After some
> > investigation, I discovered that they got there when I was running
> > spamassassin -t on messages in my spam archive; a few of the messages
> > didn't qualify as spam.
> >
> > Perhaps auto-whitelist incrementing should be disabled when
> spamassassin is
> > run in test mode?  Not a big deal, of course, but this behavior
> would make
> > more sense to me.
> >
> > Ethan
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Spamassassin-talk mailing list
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk
> >
> --
> Regards,  J.
> flying:   Zenair STOL CH701/582 C-IGGY , >150 hrs.
> building: Sonex #325, engine undecided, probably Jabiru 3300/6/120hp
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
> | J. Davis, M.Sc. (comp_sci)  | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |
> | SysMgr, research programmer | voice: (519) 646 6100 x64166 |
> | Lawson Research Institute   | fax:   (519) 646 6135        |
> | London, Ontario             | lriweb.sjhc.london.on.ca/~jd |
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
> "Our sense is that most of the viewers with money or an education have
> cable, VCRs, laserdisks, and they watch those instead of the networks.
> Our programming more and more will have to turn to those who don't
> have any real education or money for other programming options."
>                                  -- anonymous Network Suit, to JMS
> _______________________________________________
> Spamassassin-talk mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk

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