> -----Original Message-----
> mike castleman said:
> > 1) Any tips for reducing this number? Most of the messages are not
> >    especially private, so I can forward them or put them on the web
> >    somewhere if people want. I don't want to bombard the 
> list with my
> >    mailspool though.
> Sure, zip them up and mail them to me, I'll add them to the 
> corpus for the
> GA so it'll take them into account.  That would be very handy, if
> possible.

I'm getting a lot of false positives too. I'm thinking this is because prior
to now, the GA has been run mostly on "geeks" mailboxes, whereas I'm running
it on large companies mail, where the CEO has subscribed to a gazillion
"money making report" type lists. *sigh*

Anyway, I'm going to try and get the GA running here, though I'm not sure
how easy that will be since it seems to be targetted at mbox's, whereas I've
got Maildir's... But I'll figure it out.

One important thing though is the GA is obviously going to be more accurate
if we have more positive rules (i.e. rules with negative scores to mark
things that *aren't* spam), so I'll be working on that soon too.


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