On Sat, Jan 19, 2002 at 07:23:39PM -0800, brad wrote:

> I just turned on SA in an ISP environment using spamd with no
> auto-whitelist for about 5000 users.

I've got a 12,000 user setup for a community ISP.

> I have received about 50 complaints from people Yelling at me to
> disable this for them.  I was reading the docs and I don't know how
> to disable on a per user basis when using spamd.  I used to use the
> .spamassassin files in user home directories but I would like to
> know if there is a single file that I can add the incoming user
> names to so that I can exempt them from the process.
> I did some reading on using SA with mysql and this having the
> ability to enable / disable per user.  Is there a simple interface
> to this or is mysql even required for what I am trying to do?

Here's what I do.

  * Run spamc on on the mail server via a system-wide procmailrc file
    with a rule setup like this:

    | /usr/local/bin/spamc -u $LOGNAME -d spamcheck.wcnet.org -f


    * ^Subject:.*\*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*\*
    |$FORMAIL -i "Filtered-By: SpamAssassin" >> $ARCHIVE

  * On the "spamcheck.wcnet.org" hosts (a DNS round-robin setup
    pointing at two other hosts), I use the MySQL integration.

  * There's a web interface which allows users to "opt-out" of the
    spam filtering:


    that we point to from our SPAM FAQ:


  * That spam-prefs page, once it authenticates the user, adds a
    record in the MySQL table with a query like this:

    INSERT INTO $table (username, preference, value, prefid, ts)
    VALUES ('$user', '$preference', '$score', NULL, NULL)

    Where $score is 100.

  * It's not true opt-out, but how many messages ever get a score as
    high as 100?

Hope that helps.

Jeremy D. Zawodny     |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |  http://jeremy.zawodny.com/

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