> -----Original Message-----
> Matt Sergeant said:
> > > Basically a spam-check may take up to 10 seconds per mail, so
> > > sendmail should run only a certain number of concurrent deliveries
> > > (20 or so?) and wait for them to complete before spawning more.
> > 
> > 10 seconds is way too long for us. We aim to get that down 
> to about 0.5
> > seconds or less in the next few days.
> BTW I'm assuming the various network accesses (to Razor, 
> DNSbls, and MX
> lookups) are taking 90% of that time.
> With lots of DNS caching, local DNSbl secondarying, and fat 
> pipes, that
> should come down nicely.

Yes, it was the network accesses. We've re-done Razor in-house anyway
(sorry, but we can't release that code, which is a shame because it kicks
razor's butt - does n-way replication and multi-tiered servers), and will be
removing all the DNS checks (they're done directly in our qmail code upon

I'll still do some profiling to see if I can improve things, but it's
looking good this morning (sub-second timings to check an email).


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