> On line 190 of NoMailAudit.pm:
>    $from = "From $f  ".(scalar localtime(time))."\n";
> should be changed to
>    $from = "\tfrom $f  ".(scalar localtime(time))."\n";
> Some commercial virus scanners such as mirapoint (which uses Trend
> Viruswall) reads this From line as the end of headers
> And the rest of the headers show up in the body of the message..
> I'm not sure who is in the wrong here, SA or Mirapoint, but making this
> simple fix makes the headers more readable, and fixes my header issure.

Tim -- quick question:

how are you running SpamAssassin in this setup?  "spamassassin",
for local delivery, or "spamassassin -P" or "spamc"?

This line sometimes needs to be there, sometimes not :(


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