mike castleman said:

> On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 12:26:54PM +1100, Justin Mason wrote:
> > yep.  I've set it up to allow all "windows" charsets (argh).
> Is that the proper behavior? Some windows-xxxx charsets are definately
> "foreign" (at least to us silly monolingual americans).

I'm not sure, but it seems safest in this case.  I would prefer to set up
SpamAssassin to catch "foreign" charsets on a case-by-case basis, for
this, as I don't know much about the "windows" charsets.

BTW the definition of a "foreign" charset to SpamAssassin is as

  - contains mainly non-ASCII characters  (so ISO-8859-* are not
    "foreign" by this defn)

  - is used by spammers.  So big5 is very prominent in this case, but
    I'm not sure about koi8-r or many of the others...

So if anyone has spam in unusual charsets, esp. "windows-nnn", that would
be worth noting.


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