On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, CertaintyTech - Ed Henderson wrote:

> I am using v1.5 and just got a false positive due to the
> CHARSET_FARAWAY_BODY test.  I looked thru the Perl code and see that it
> is a test that looks for suspicious foreign character types.  The
> character type in this case was not foreign but was called
> "windows-874".  How do I modify my ~/.spamassassin.cf to consider this
> character set as local?  There is an "ok_locale en" but what do I use
> for others that I want to add so that it considers them local?

Grrr. Since when is that an "accepted" character set? Stupid windows. :-(

Add it to lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/Locales.pm.

I hate to encourage such nonsense in their choice of MUA, though ...

Charlie Watts
Frontier Internet, Inc.

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