On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Justin England wrote:

> > SpamAssassin website, would be worth a look too.
> >
> > > So, the thing which popped into my head today was to digest
> > > the SA spam up, and send a daily or weekly summary through,
> > > of spam, based upon the SA score. The digest would have an
> > > index of sender, subject, and be ordered by SA score, lowest
> > > at the top.
> > > If people got all their potential spam in one digest, which
> > > is clearly labeled, then they can scan it when their time
> > > permits, or discard arbitrarily.
> >
> > Ooh, I like this!  It'd also be nice if it was visible in
> > an authenticated webpage -- similar to how MailMan handles
> > "admin requests".

I use Maildir. I use maildrop for local delivery (from the courier

If the user has created a "Spam" folder, I save spam there. Otherwise mail
is delivered into their inbox.

I -really- like this solution. Just like Hotmail's, except the tagging is
much more accurate. :-)

I already have a webmail system that lets them use mailboxes, so this was
all it took.

Here's my /etc/maildroprc:

# REFORMAIL is a utility that comes with Maildrop. Much like formail.

# Only scan stuff under 256KB
# If the spamd daemon dies, just deliver it ... (that's what 'exception' does)
# I suppose -f is supposed to be safe enough, but if spamc exits w/
# failure ... best to be safe. Safety first, kids.
# I figure that spamc has 256K limiting too ... but maildrop already knows the message
# size, and this way we can avoid a fork ...

if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
        # Bloody stupid maildrop. Sometimes it wants the braces like this,
        # sometimes on the next line.
        exception {
                xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -f"

        # If it got tagged ... try to save it in a Spam folder
        if ( /^X-Spam-Flag: YES$/ )
                # If the "Spam" folder exists, save tagged mail there. Otherwise bail.
                exception {
                        to "./.Spam/."

# If a message wasn't delivered in /etc/maildroprc, the users's
# .mailfilter is processed, if they have one. Otherwise deliver normally.

Charlie Watts
Frontier Internet, Inc.

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