Craig Hughes said:

> Yeah, I probably can for a few months, though I doubt I could do the job
> you've been doing with it.  But then, how many releases will there be in
> 4 months :)  If you'll be emailable, I can even run tough calls by you
> before incorporating them.

Sure.  Apparently there's more internet cafes in Nepal than there
are in Dublin so that shouldn't be a problem ;)

I reckon the core SpamAssassin distro needs a period of stability anyway;
there's lots of room for new interfaces to SpamAssassin (pop checker,
hotmail/webmail de-spammer, MailMan de-spamming interface, new user UIs
etc.) which need work, and the core should probably settle down a little.

> Just FYI to everyone, since we're on the topic of changes, as you might
> or might not know, I took most of 2001 off from full time work after
> selling my .com startup for big bucks in 2000, but I'm about to start a
> new company, and so may have to divert more time towards "real work"
> instead of some of the projects I've been involved with through 2001. 
> Having said that, SA has definitely been the most fun to work on, and
> the most rewarding, and so this particular project is unlikely to see
> much of a drop in involvement from me.

cool!  good timing on the .com startup BTW ;)


'Justin Mason' => { url => '', blog => '' }

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