Yeah, I probably can for a few months, though I doubt I could do the job you've been doing with it.  But then, how many releases will there be in 4 months :)  If you'll be emailable, I can even run tough calls by you before incorporating them.

Just FYI to everyone, since we're on the topic of changes, as you might or might not know, I took most of 2001 off from full time work after selling my .com startup for big bucks in 2000, but I'm about to start a new company, and so may have to divert more time towards "real work" instead of some of the projects I've been involved with through 2001.  Having said that, SA has definitely been the most fun to work on, and the most rewarding, and so this particular project is unlikely to see much of a drop in involvement from me.


On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 20:21, Justin Mason wrote:
Hi all,

Just a quick heads-up:  as you probably might know, I'm currently living
and working in Australia on a year-long trip.

Well, I'm about to start heading back to Ireland, starting Feb 1, with a
road trip around the SE corner of Oz, followed by the Great Barrier Reef,
a few SE Asian countries, and maybe South America.   Should take, oh,
about 4 months.  ;)

I'm not sure what to do about SpamAssassin while I'm away.  I'll be
reading email occasionally (internet cafes are everywhere) but releases
could be difficult.  Craig, you think you could maintain while I'm
away?  I can give you a username/pwd for CVS access to the website...


'Justin Mason' => { url => '', blog => '' }

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