> Hi Justin,
> Along the sames lines, do you mind if I modify the source for the mysql
> lookups to include a larger username and submit it back to you?
> 1) A lot of systems have user names longer than 8 chars
> 2) A lot of us are running qmail with vpopmail or vmailmgr (I run both)
> the user name is the username PLUS the domain name.

Done that here.  Nothing needs to change except the table definition.  As
far as I could tell, spamc/spamd doesn't do any checks on the size of the
username, and it only queries the mysql database.  All I did when I started
working on my web-based interface so that users can change their settings,
all I did was change the create table statement :)

> I've already got vpopmail working cleanly on a domain basis now and I'm
> going to add support for User prefs via MySQL (php based, released back to
> the community) in the next few weeks.

Check out my perl version.  It will authenticate against either the system
database or the vpopmail database, and only allow the postmaster account for
a vpopmail domain.  I don't have it working on a per user basis for vpopmail
yet :)


I think that JM also has a copy in the /devel folder on the website.  The
interface, and most of the sql is based on the php admin done by Justin
England :)

> If anyone has a nice solution for vmailmgr (vdeliver doesn't seem to like
> being piped to but I can't figure out why yet) please let me know as well.

I ran into this, and it was discussed on the vpopmail list recently.  The
long and the short of it is that vdelivermail wants a seekable input, which
spamc doesn't provide.  There is a patch for the 5.0 stable version that
checks if the input is seekable, and if it isn't makes it.  The original
diff against vpopmail 5.0.1 can be found at

I hacked on it a bit, and got it to apply to the 5.1.4 and 5.1.6 development
releases.  It's available at

> Regards,
> Rick


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