> Now as a side question: I can't seem to find any reference in SpamAssassin 1.5
> to actually *use* the SQL implementation of user preferences.  I see the
> user_scores_* variables in the spamassassin.cf, but nothing referencing that
> in /usr/bin/spamassassin or spamassassin.prefs.
> Am I missing something?

First, for the SQL stuff to work, you need to be using spamd/spamc.  Spamd
will call a method to retrieve the prefs from the database.

The user_scores_* variables tells SpamAssassin to use the database with
the given auth/server/db info.  This should be placed in your local copy
of your global preferences. (/etc/mail/spamassassin.cf for v1.5)

Once that is working, spamassassin will read the user prefs from the
database just like it would from a .prefs file. For example:

INSERT INTO userpref (username, preference, value) VALUES
('johndoe', 'required_hits', '8');

Upon scanning an e-mail, SA will then do a:
SELECT preference, value FROM userpref WHERE username = 'johndoe';

When SA reads the prefs from the SQL server for user johndoe, it will find
that the required hits should be 8.  The preference field can be any
preference that can be found in $HOME/.spamassassin.prefs (for v1.5).

If this doesn't clear things up, just let me know and I will help you out.



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