On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 02:53:18PM -0500, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 01:42:07PM -0600, Taral wrote:
> > Not on maildirs or MH boxes. And not if you're using procmail, last I
> > checked.
> From the procmail man page:
>        When  in  explicit delivery mode, procmail will generate a
>        leading `From ' line if none is present.  If  one  is  al-
>        ready  present procmail will leave it intact.  If procmail
>        is not invoked with one of the following user or group  ids
>        :  root,  daemon,  uucp, mail, x400, network, list, slist,
>        lists or news, but still has to generate or accept  a  new
>        `From ' line, it will generate an additional `>From ' line
>        to help distinguish fake mails.
> Procmail is expecting delivery to a Berkeley-format mail spool, which
> requires the "^From " header as a seperator, so it does as is expected.

Actually, you're quoting out of context. That paragraph only applies
when procmail is delivering to berkeley-format mail spool. I have lots
of rules that say:

* some rule here

And there are no From lines there. Leave it up to procmail to add From
lines if they're needed. SA certainly shouldn't be adding them.

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