OK, I've located the leak, and getting strong deja-vu *sigh*. I fixed this
in PerMsgStatus - it's the usage of 'main' to get back to
Mail::SpamAssassin, this time in Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf. People - circular
refs are bad, m'kay?

But I'm not including a patch, because I'm not entirely sure what the right
patch is. The reason 'main' is used in Conf.pm is to access sed_path(). But
I see absolutely no reason for sed_path to be an object method. It should
either be a class method (i.e. called as Mail::SpamAssassin->sed_path()) or
it should be a plain function, and perhaps put into an @EXPORT_OK list so
you can import it.

What would people prefer? I'd personally go for the function + @EXPORT_OK

<:->Get a smart net</:->

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Sergeant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 15 January 2002 10:03
> To: Spamassassin (E-mail)
> Subject: [SAtalk] Memory leak heads up
> I'm investigating this right now (and I'll likely fix it 
> later today), but
> SA has a massive memory leak right now. Just watch in "top" or "gtop":
>  $ perl -MMail::SpamAssassin -e '1 while Mail::SpamAssassin->new()'
> I'll start digging right away.
> Matt.
> -- 
> <:->Get a smart net</:->
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