On Fr, 2017-03-17 at 12:18 +0000, Sunny Bhayani wrote:
> The above log has two trial logs. In the First trial, we have
> prepared the 
> SDCard and have setup the first boot console config. In the Second
> trial,  
> we did "snap login".
> We obsereved that whenever we do a "snap install", irrespective of
> it 
> being successful or fail, we get the below message repeatedly and
> the 
> board reboots automatically after 15-20 minutes: 
>     "Broadcast message from root@localhost.localdomain (Thu 2017-03-
> 16 12:31:13 UTC):
> It would be great, if you can provide any comments.

the image has not properly being initialized ... else you would only
get the reboot notifications after the first upgrade of the core snap
(i.e. your root filesystem)...

normally a "snap list" should list the gadget (dragonboard), core and
the kernel snap (ubuntu-snapdragon-kernel) you described in your model
assertion, even before you installed anything.

> > How are you building the image that you are booting? 
> Here are the steps to building Ubuntu-Core Image: http://pastebin.com
> /0x52ATXi

...and here we have your issue...

you need to use a proper authority id and brand id in your assertion
file, else the initial setup (before console-conf) will not happen, you
used the: 

"authority-id": "<auth-id>",
"brand-id": "<auth-id>",

boilerplate values in your json file ...

you can get the data for your auth-id from your account info via:



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