Am Mittwoch, den 22.02.2017, 07:52 +0000 schrieb Sunny Bhayani:
> > > 
> > > Also, we went through the kernel-initrd-modules description:
> > > https://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/plugins/kernel
> > > 
> > > and there it is mentioned that the "kernel-initrd-modules" plugin
> is
> > > used to 
> > > mention the modules required to mount the rootfs.
> > 
> > this means filesystem or disk controller modules (squashfs, ext4
> (if
> > you do not compile it in), mmc support and the like), since your
> system
> > boots to a rootfs already you should not need anything more than
> you
> > currently have.
> > 
> > > > 
> Yes, agreed as you have mentioned above for the "kernel-initrd-
> modules".

right, just make sure to not also have the WLAN module in there, you
only want to load that one from the rootfs where it can also find its
firmware and has all user space tools available.

> > > 
> > > It would be great if you can please help us out on this front as
> well
> > > for the 
> > > snap list / snap install for the Ubuntu OS.
> > 
> > this definitely means that snapd did not start for some reason,
> like i
> > mentioned before this could be caused by the firstboot
> initialization
> > of the board having failed or by some missing feature that snapd
> > expects from your kernel.
> > 
> > does sudo journalctl -u snapd.service reveal anything ?
> > do you find anything interesting in syslog in general ?
> > 
> We are seeing error related to AppArmor patches in journalctl log.
> The log is at: http://pastebin.com/vG9DQfTf

yes, this definitely looks like apparmor is not working, i have to pass
to paolo (or the security team) for this one

> > did console-conf (the first boot configuration UI) actually finish
> the
> > user creation properly (did it tell you about it and give you info
> > about how to ssh into the board) without any errors ?
> > 
> > /var/log/console-conf/subiquity-debug.log might be informative
> here.
> > 
> The subiquity-debug.log is at: http://pastebin.com/39zsb4nE
that looks fine regarding user creation, i dont see anything related to
network setup though (neither wired nor wireless), which is a bit

> The AppArmor patches that we ported from the 
> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git/tree/arch/arm/c
> onfigs/snappy?h=snappy_v3.10
> are for the linux kernel 3.10.
> But the kernel that we are referring to is from 96boards - linux
> kernel 4.4.

this is definitely wrong, for 4.4 kernels you indeed need to use a 4.4
patch set, another thing for paolo to answer (i'm not even sure you
need any patches at all on a 4.4 kernel, all bits might be in-tree
already and just some config options might be enough)...


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