On 13/12/16 19:35, Dan Kegel wrote:
> I'm very confused.  You have SSO.  You tell people to create an SSO
> account to use the device.  Yet SSO can't be used to log into the
> system at the console.  ??

SSH keys associated with the SSO account are pulled into the device, so
you can SSH to it.

We could enable console (as in keyboard-and-monitor-on-device) access
too, if we want, that's what's open for discussion. There are lots of
ways to do that, simplistically just by asking for a login password to
be set during the device activation step that you saw. But the concern
is that users will reuse an important password when doing so.

We have 2-factor capabilities that might be useful. In general, I would
say we are open to suggestion but mindful of the opportunity to raise
the bar for device security.

Also, we're mindful of the fact that these devices will not be used
every day. So passwords that are unique to the device will easily be

All of that led us to the SSH approach that you see now. It's not a
final position, those are just the things to think about in the discussion.


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