Messages by Thread
[slurm-users] GraceTime is not working, But there is log.
[slurm-users] Slurm release candidate version 23.11rc1 available for testing
Tim Wickberg
[slurm-users] Unable to submit job (ReqNodeNotAvail, UnavailableNodes)
JP Ebejer
[slurm-users] how start_time is calculated for slurm mutli-cluster
mohammed shambakey
[slurm-users] (no subject)
mohammed shambakey
[slurm-users] multiple srun commands in the same SLURM script
Andrei Berceanu
[slurm-users] how to configure correctly node and memory when a script fails with out of memory
[slurm-users] How to delay the start of slurmd until Infiniband/OPA network is fully up?
Ole Holm Nielsen
[slurm-users] Sinfo options not working in SLURM 23.11
Deepak J
[slurm-users] Couldn't find the specified plugin name for auth/munge looking at all files
[slurm-users] Selecting only a subset of GPU's from all available GPU's
Minulakshmi S
[slurm-users] SLURM , maximum scalable instance is which one
John Joseph
[slurm-users] Question about Failed to unpack DBD_NODE_STATE message
mohammed shambakey
[slurm-users] Change something in user's script using job_submit.lua plugin
Paulo Jose Braga Estrela
[slurm-users] job_container/tmpfs and rootless apptainer
Roberto Monti
[slurm-users] scontrol reboot does not allow new jobs to be scheduled if nextstate=RESUME is set
Tim Schneider
Re: [slurm-users] RequeueExit and --no-requeue option.
Michael Spradling
[slurm-users] problem with slurm configuration and pmix
mohammed shambakey
[slurm-users] Question about gdb sbatch
mohammed shambakey
[slurm-users] cpus-per-task behaviour of srun after 22.05
Michael Müller
[slurm-users] energy data with Kafka job comp
Benini Massimo
[slurm-users] Configure a user as "admin" only in his/her account
Gestió Servidors
[slurm-users] Do we have IRC (EoM)
Styrk, Daryl
[slurm-users] Two gpu types on one node: gres/gpu count reported lower than configured (1 < 5)
Gregor Hagelueken
[slurm-users] Correct way to do logrotation
Taras Shapovalov
[slurm-users] Slurm versions 23.02.6 and 22.05.10 are now available (CVE-2023-41914)
Tim Wickberg
[slurm-users] Fairshare: Penalising unused memory rather than used memory?
Loris Bennett
[slurm-users] A strange situation of different network cards on the same network
James Lam
[slurm-users] SLURM disregards LDAP configured via SSSD
Leopold Talirz
[slurm-users] Clean Up Scratch After Failed Job
Jason Simms
[slurm-users] Slurm account coordinator
Steven Hood
[slurm-users] unpredictable behavior of slurm multi-cluster
mohammed shambakey
[slurm-users] Munge Unauthorized credential for client UID=0 GID=0
Andrew Lewis
[slurm-users] hostlist members when calling resume and suspend with powersave
Marshall, John (SSC/SPC)
[slurm-users] Node placement analysis scripts ?
Gary Lowell
[slurm-users] Slurm powersave
Davide DelVento
[slurm-users] Incompatible Slurm plugin version (21.08.8)
Julien Rey
Re: [slurm-users] Response to Rémi Palancher about Configuring slurm.conf and using subpartitions
Kratz, Zach
[slurm-users] Configuring slurm.conf and using subpartitions
Kratz, Zach
[slurm-users] Guidance on which HPC to try our "OpenHPC or TrintyX " for novice
John Joseph
[slurm-users] directory permissions modified during aws-parallelcluter-slurm::finalize_compute
Jake Jellinek
[slurm-users] New member , introduction
John Joseph
[slurm-users] FAQ Errata: Can the make command utilize the resources allocated to a Slurm job? answer is out of data
Cook, Malcolm
[slurm-users] Verifying preemption WON'T happen
Groner, Rob
[slurm-users] docker containers and slurm
Jake Jellinek
[slurm-users] enabling job script archival
Davide DelVento
[slurm-users] question about configuration in slurm.conf
[slurm-users] SC'23 Presentations Online; SLUG'24 will be at the University of Oslo Sept. 2024
Tim Wickberg
[slurm-users] Submitting hybrid OpenMPI and OpenMP Jobs
Selch, Brigitte (FIDD)
[slurm-users] Mismatch between scontrol and sacctmgr ?
Diego Zuccato
[slurm-users] Weirdness with partitions
Diego Zuccato
[slurm-users] scontrol issue: Update of this parameter is not supported: StepId=
Cook, Malcolm
[slurm-users] help with canceling or deleteing a job