
I haven't really seen this discussed anywhere, but maybe I didn't look in the right places.

After our upgrade from 21.08 to 23.02 we had users complaining about srun not using the specified --cpus-per-task given in sbatch-directives. The changelog of 22.05 mentions this change and explains the need to set the Environment variable SRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK. The environment variable SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK will be set by the sbatch-directive, but is ignored by srun.

Does anyone know why this behaviour was changed? Imo the expectation that an sbatch-directive is the default for the whole job-script is reasonable.

Is there a config option to reenable the old behaviour, or do we have to find a workaround with a job_submit script or a profile.d script? If so, have any of you already implemented such a workaround?

With kind regards

Michael Müller
Application Developer

Dresden University of Technology
Center of Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
Department of Interdisciplinary Application Development and Coordination (IAK)
01062 Dresden

phone: (0351)463-35261

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