
Angel de Vicente <angel.de.vice...@iac.es> writes:

> And hence my question.. because as I was saying in a previous mail,
> reading the documentation I understand that this is the standard way to
> do it, but right now I got it working the other way: in each cluster I
> have one slurmdbd daemon that connects with a single mysqld daemon in a
> third machine (option 2 from my question).

just to wrap up in case somebody gets here in the future...

Both options I was considering are really easy to set up, but in the end
I went for the standard way of having only one slurmdbd daemon (and so
far not the Federated configuration, just the Multi-Cluster one) for, at
least, the following reasons (I'm sure there are plenty more):

+ it is the default way in the Slurm documentation
+ it is probably more secure, because I don't have to open the mysql
  server to remote connections. 
+ I found at least one problem with the multiple slurmdbd daemons: while
  I found that adding a new cluster and then, for example, adding a new
  user was properly reflected in the database, those clusters already
  running would not see the new accounts until their slurmdbd was
  restarted (this is not an issue when we have only one slurmdbd).

Ángel de Vicente
 Research Software Engineer (Supercomputing and BigData)
 Tel.: +34 922-605-747
 Web.: http://research.iac.es/proyecto/polmag/

 GPG: 0x8BDC390B69033F52

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